Bihar Patna Board 11th Class Intermediate Sample Paper 2025 BSEB Board Class 11th Class Intermediate Sample Papers are Given Here. These are Official Bihar Board Junior Intermediate Model Paper, Previous year Question papers Released by Bihar Board Of Secondary Education BSEB,
Patna Students Appearing for the 11th Class Intermediate Board Exams Can use the Bihar Board 11th Class Intermediate Question Paper 2025 for the Practice. With the Help of the BSEB Metric Objective Question Papers,
So Students Can Know the Structure of the Paper. Students can Save or Download the Bihar Board 11th Class Intermediate Sample Paper 2025 and Use it for Exam Preparation. Scroll Down to Download the BSEB 11th Class Intermediate Mathematics 2020 Sample Paper.
BSEB Junior Intermediate Sample Papers are Available to Download, Scroll Down to get the Question PDF, For all Subjects Candidates can Download the BSEB Sample Papers From BSEB Board Official Website
Download Candidates can Use These BSEB 11th Class Intermediate Question Paper 2025 Bihar X Exam Pattern 2025 Blueprint as A Reference while Preparing for the Board Exams. Sample Papers will Give an Exact Idea of What the Final Exam Bihar Board 11th Class Intermediate Model Paper 2025 will be Like. Candidates can Prepare Effectively by Analyzing the Sample Papers of all the Subjects Which will Give Them an Upper Hand While Appearing for the Board Exams.
BSEB 12th Board Intermediate Question Paper 2025
Link to download BSEB 12th Class English Model Paper:
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Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Maithili Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Sanskrit Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Urdu Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Biology Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Chemistry Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Mathematics Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB board 12th Class Physics Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Economics Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class History Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Philosophy Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Political Sciences Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Psychology Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Sociology Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Geography Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Home Sciences Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Sanskrit Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Urdu Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB 12th Class Bangla Model Paper:
Link to download BSEB Bihar Board 12th Class Accountancy Model Paper:
Bihar Board BSEB( X11Th ) 12th Previous Model Paper 2025 Science Group Subjects
Special Science 11th Subjects
Physics Question Paper
Chemistry Question Paper
Biology Question Paper
Mathematics Question Paper
Bihar Board BSEB ( X11Th ) 12th Previous Model Paper 2025 Commerce Group Subjects
Accountancy no
Business Studies
Special Commerce Subjects
Business Studies Question Paper
Economics Question Paper no
Entrepreneurship Question Paper
बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट कला मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र 2025 बिहार बोर्ड (BSEB) इंटरमीडिएट (12 वीं) मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र 2025 BSEB कक्षा 12 वीं मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र 2025
बिहार बोर्ड बीएसईबी (एक्स 11 टीएच) 12 वीं पिछला मॉडल पेपर 2025 विज्ञान समूह विषय
विशेष विज्ञान 11 वें विषय
भौतिकी प्रश्न पत्र
रसायन प्रश्न पत्र
जीवविज्ञान प्रश्न पत्र
गणित प्रश्न पत्र
बिहार बोर्ड बीएसईबी (एक्स 11 टीएच) 12 वीं पिछला मॉडल पेपर 2025 वाणिज्य समूह विषय
एकाउंटेंसी नंबर
व्यवसाय अध्ययन
विशेष वाणिज्य विषय
व्यवसाय अध्ययन प्रश्न पत्र
अर्थशास्त्र प्रश्न पत्र संख्या
उद्यमिता प्रश्न पत्र
गेट हेरे | I.A. LL- Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.A MB- Urdu |
गेट हेरे | ISc ICom- LL Persian (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com LL-Arbic |
गेट हेरे | I.SC & I.COM LL-Bangla |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com MB-Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com LL-Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com LL-Sanskrit |
गेट हेरे | I.A LL Sanskrit |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL- Hindi (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL-BHOJPURI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | Economics |
गेट हेरे | I.A. NRB-MB-Non-HINDI |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – LL-BHOJPURI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | Psychology |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – NRB – MB NON. HINDI |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL- MAGAHI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. – LL- HINDI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.A. NRB-MB-Non-HINDI |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com – LL-MAGAHI(OPT) |
गेट हेरे | BIOLOGY 1 |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL-PALI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL- MAGAHI (OPT) 2 |
गेट हेरे | Physics |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – LL- MAGAHI (OPT) 2 |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – MB- ALT- ENGLISH (Comp) |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL-PALI (OPT) 2 |
गेट हेरे | I.A.-LL-ENGLISH (Opt.) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – LL-PALI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | SANSKRIT LL I.A. |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – MB- ALT- ENGLISH (Comp) |
गेट हेरे | Yoga & Physical Education |
गेट हेरे | SANSKRIT I.Sc. & I.Com (LL) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. –LL- ENGLISH (Opt) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. –LL- ENGLISH (Opt) 2 |
गेट हेरे | Economics Commerce |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com – LL-MAITHILI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | Music |
गेट हेरे | ENTREPRENEURSHIP I.Com. |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. I.Com. – MB-MAITHILI (COMP) |
गेट हेरे | Home Science |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL-HINDI (OPT) 2 |
गेट हेरे | History |
गेट हेरे | I.A. NRB-MB-Non-HINDI |
गेट हेरे | Geography |
गेट हेरे | Sociology |
गेट हेरे | Computer Science |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy 1 |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – LL-MAITHILI (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | Multimedia And Web Technology (MWT) |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies |
गेट हेरे | I.A. – MB-MAITHILI (Comp) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc Agriculture |
गेट हेरे | I.A Philosophy |
गेट हेरे | History |
गेट हेरे | I.A,I.Sc & I.Com – Multimedia And Web Technology |
गेट हेरे | I.A,I.Sc & I.Com – Computer Science |
गेट हेरे | (Annual)-I.Sc. & I.Com-Ll-Maithili |
गेट हेरे | Geography |
गेट हेरे | I.A Ll. Arabic |
गेट हेरे | (Annual)-I.A_Sanskrit |
गेट हेरे | I.A-Ll-Bhojpuri |
गेट हेरे | (Annual)-I.Sc&I.Com-Mb-Maithili |
गेट हेरे | Music |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc.&I.Com Sanskrit |
गेट हेरे | I.A.Ll-Hindi |
गेट हेरे | Inter Accountancy Model Set 2020 (Annual) |
गेट हेरे | Psychology |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Entrepreneurship |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com Ll-Englisgh |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&Icom L.L Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com Ll-Hindi |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com L.L Persian |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc.&I.Com-Mb-Altenglish |
गेट हेरे | I.A Ll. Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com Ll Prakrit |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com L.Lbangla |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Economics |
गेट हेरे | Political Science |
गेट हेरे | I.A L.L Bangla |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com Ll-Englisgh |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com Ll-Hindi |
गेट हेरे | I.A Ll. Urdu |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc.&I.Com-Mb-Altenglish |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc&I.Com L.Lbangla |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Economics |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com Ll Prakrit |
गेट हेरे | I.A L.L Bangla |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Economics |
गेट हेरे | Political Science |
गेट हेरे | I.A Alternative English |
गेट हेरे | I.A M.B Urdu |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Physics |
गेट हेरे | I.A.-Ll-Pali |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com L.L Arbic |
गेट हेरे | (Annual) – Biology |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc.&I.Com-Ll-Pali |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com M.B Urdu |
गेट हेरे | Bangla |
गेट हेरे | Economics (Art) |
गेट हेरे | Maithli – 50 |
गेट हेरे | Maithli-100 |
गेट हेरे | Philosphy |
गेट हेरे | Psychology |
गेट हेरे | English |
गेट हेरे | Economics (Commerce) |
गेट हेरे | Biology (Science) |
गेट हेरे | Alternative English |
गेट हेरे | NRB Hindi |
गेट हेरे | Hindi (100 Marks) |
गेट हेरे | History |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy (Commerce) |
गेट हेरे | Geography(Arts) |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship |
गेट हेरे | Urdu – 50 |
गेट हेरे | Urdu – 100 |
गेट हेरे | Math |
गेट हेरे | Chemistry |
गेट हेरे | Persian |
गेट हेरे | Physics |
गेट हेरे | Arabic |
गेट हेरे | Political Science |
गेट हेरे | Agriculture |
गेट हेरे | Home Science |
गेट हेरे | Sociology |
गेट हेरे | Physics Objective |
गेट हेरे | Hindi I.A-LL-NRB (COMP) 50 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Hindi ISC-ICOM-LL (OPT) 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Hindi ISC-ICOM-LL- NRB (COMP) 50 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Sanskrit I.A 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Sanskrit I.Sc. and I.Com 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Urdu Arts 50 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Urdu Arts 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | PERSIAN-100 |
गेट हेरे | MAITHILI 100 MARKS |
गेट हेरे | MAITHILI 50 MARKS |
गेट हेरे | BANGLA 100 MARKS |
गेट हेरे | PERSIAN SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | PERSIAN SET-3 |
गेट हेरे | PERSIAN SET-4 |
गेट हेरे | ARTS-LL-HIN-OPT |
गेट हेरे | Maithili 50 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Maithili-100-Marks |
गेट हेरे | Sc-Com-LL-HIN-OPT |
गेट हेरे | BHOJPURI OPT 100 |
गेट हेरे | IA PALI OPT 100 |
गेट हेरे | ISC and ICOM PALI OPT 100 |
गेट हेरे | PRAKRIT EXAM 100 |
गेट हेरे | I.A. ENG-LL (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc.&I.Com. ENG-LL-(OPT) |
गेट हेरे | URDU ARTS Answer 100 Marks (SET-1) |
गेट हेरे | URDU ARTS 50 MARKS SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | URDU ARTS 50 MARKS (SET-1) |
गेट हेरे | URDU I.Sc. & I.Com. 50 MARKS SET-1 |
गेट हेरे | URDU I.Sc.& I.Com. 50 MARKS SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | L.L.URDU – I.Sc.&I.Com. Answer SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | L.L.URDU – I.Sc.&I.Com Answer Set-1 |
गेट हेरे | L.L.URDU – I.A.(ARTS) SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-BHOJPURI (OPT) SET-I |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-BHOJPURI (OPT) SET-II |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-BHOJPURI (OPT) Set-4 |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-MAG (SET-I) |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-MAG (SET-II) |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-MAG (SET-III) |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-MAG (SET-IV) |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-MAG (SET-I) |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-MAG (SET-II) |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-MAG (SET-III) |
गेट हेरे | SC-LL-MAG (SET-IV) |
गेट हेरे | ARABIC (SET-2) |
गेट हेरे | ARABIC (SET-3) |
गेट हेरे | ARABIC (SET-4) |
गेट हेरे | I.A ENGLISH-LL (OPT) |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com.-ENG-LL-ENGLISH-(OPT) |
गेट हेरे | L.L. Urdu Arts Set-3 |
गेट हेरे | L.L. Urdu Arts Set-4 |
गेट हेरे | L.L. Urdu I.Sc. Set-III |
गेट हेरे | L.L. Urdu I.Sc. Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | URDU COMPOSITION I.Sc. & I.Com SET-3 |
गेट हेरे | URDU COMPOSITION I.Sc. & I.Com SET-4 |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | English I.A Set-II |
गेट हेरे | English I.A Set-III |
गेट हेरे | English LL I.A Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Hindi Set II Model Paper |
गेट हेरे | Persian (OPT) 100 All Set |
गेट हेरे | Urdu (MT) Group-A Set II |
गेट हेरे | XII Bangla (SL. CODE 743) Set I |
गेट हेरे | XII Bangla (SL. CODE 743 Set II |
गेट हेरे | XII Bangla (SL. CODE 743 Set III |
गेट हेरे | XII Bangla (SL. CODE 743 Set IV |
गेट हेरे | English I.A. Set II |
गेट हेरे | English I.A. Set III |
गेट हेरे | English LL I.A. Set II |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A. Set I |
गेट हेरे | prakrit I.A. Set II |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A. Set III |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.A. Set IV |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set I |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set II |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set III |
गेट हेरे | Prakrit I.Sc. Set IV |
गेट हेरे | I.A. Class XII Sanskrit Set 2 |
गेट हेरे | I.A. Class XII Sanskrit Set 3 |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. Class XII Sanskrit Set 1 |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. Class XII Sanskrit Set 2 |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. & I.Com. Class XII Sanskrit Set 3 |
गेट हेरे | (A-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET I |
गेट हेरे | (A-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET II |
गेट हेरे | (A-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET III |
गेट हेरे | (A-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET IV |
गेट हेरे | (Sc. & Com-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET I |
गेट हेरे | (Sc. & Com-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET II |
गेट हेरे | (Sc. & Com-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET III |
गेट हेरे | (Sc. & Com-LL-HINDI-OPT) SET IV |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET A |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET B |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET C |
गेट हेरे | A-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET D |
गेट हेरे | Sc. & Com.-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET A |
गेट हेरे | Sc. & Com.-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET B |
गेट हेरे | Sc. & Com.-LL-NRB (HIN) Comp) SET C |
गेट हेरे | Sc. & Com.-LL-NRB-(HIN) Comp) SET D |
गेट हेरे | I.A (English) Model Question 100 Marks – I |
गेट हेरे | I.A (English) Model Question 100 Marks-II |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com (English) Model Question 100 Marks-I |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc & I.Com (English) Model Question 100 Marks-II |
गेट हेरे | I.A. Class – XII, Sanskrit, Set – 1 |
गेट हेरे | Philosophy Set I PHL(OPT) A |
गेट हेरे | Philosophy Set II PHL(OPT) A |
गेट हेरे | Sociology 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Home Science 70 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Philosphy 100 marks |
गेट हेरे | Political Science-100 |
गेट हेरे | Political Science Set-2 |
गेट हेरे | Political Science Set-3 |
गेट हेरे | Geography-100 |
गेट हेरे | History-100 |
गेट हेरे | History |
गेट हेरे | History 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | History Section-1 |
गेट हेरे | ECONOMICS |
गेट हेरे | Psychology |
गेट हेरे | History Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Music Set-1 |
गेट हेरे | Music Set-2 |
गेट हेरे | Answer Key of Music Set-2 & 3 |
गेट हेरे | Music Set-3 |
गेट हेरे | Yoga & Physical Education (Theory) |
गेट हेरे | PSYCHOLOGY MODEL- 2 |
गेट हेरे | PSYCHOLOGY MODEL- 3 |
गेट हेरे | PSYCHOLOGY MODEL- 4 |
गेट हेरे | PSYCHOLOGY MODEL- 5 |
गेट हेरे | XII Economics Set II |
गेट हेरे | XII Political Science Set IV |
गेट हेरे | XII Political Science Set V |
गेट हेरे | XI Home Science Set I |
गेट हेरे | XI Home Science Set II |
गेट हेरे | XI Home Science Set III |
गेट हेरे | XI Home Science Set IV |
गेट हेरे | Geography (A) Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Geography Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Geography Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Biology 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Biology Set I |
गेट हेरे | Biology Set II |
गेट हेरे | Chemistry |
गेट हेरे | Chemistry Set-2 |
गेट हेरे | Chemistry Set II |
गेट हेरे | Physics |
गेट हेरे | Physics Set-1 |
गेट हेरे | Physics Set-2 |
गेट हेरे | MATH SET-2 |
गेट हेरे | MATH-SET-3 |
गेट हेरे | MATH-SET-4 |
गेट हेरे | MATH-SET-5 |
गेट हेरे | Agriculture |
गेट हेरे | MATHEMATICS (XII) |
गेट हेरे | XII Agriculture Set II |
गेट हेरे | XII Agriculture Set III |
गेट हेरे | XII Biology |
गेट हेरे | XII Chemistry Model Question III |
गेट हेरे | Agriculture Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Agriculture Set-V |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. Biology Set-I |
गेट हेरे | I.Sc. Biology Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Chemistry Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship-70 |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy-100 |
गेट हेरे | Business Study-100 |
गेट हेरे | ECONOMICS-100 |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies Model Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies Model Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Economics Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Economics Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Economics Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Economics Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship Set-I |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship Set-II |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship Set-III |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship Set-IV |
गेट हेरे | Mining Geology |
गेट हेरे | Mining Geology – 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Auto Engineering Technology |
गेट हेरे | Mechanical Servicing |
गेट हेरे | Stenography |
गेट हेरे | History |
गेट हेरे | Sociology |
गेट हेरे | Accountancy |
गेट हेरे | Economics |
गेट हेरे | Foundation Course – 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | English – 100 Marks |
गेट हेरे | Vocational Exam M.H.W |
गेट हेरे | Vocational Sociology |
गेट हेरे | Vocational Hindi |
गेट हेरे | Vocational Library Science |
गेट हेरे | Computer Science |
गेट हेरे | Voc Enterpreneurship |
गेट हेरे | Vocational PPT |
गेट हेरे | Vocational Rtv |
गेट हेरे | AFA Trade Paper I Agriculture Farm MECH |
गेट हेरे | Business Studies BST |
गेट हेरे | C.G.M. (TH) |
गेट हेरे | Computer Science-CPA (TH) IVC |
गेट हेरे | Entrepreneurship (Vocational) |
गेट हेरे | MLT-I |
गेट हेरे | Office Management Paper-I |
गेट हेरे | PPT(TH)-I-IVC |
गेट हेरे | RTA (TH) IVC |
गेट हेरे | VOC- AUX. NUR & Midwifery Paper-I |
गेट हेरे | Food Reservation & Processing Trade |
गेट हेरे | I VOC Electronics Technology |
गेट हेरे | I VOC Physics |
गेट हेरे | EDA-(TH)-(IVC) |
गेट हेरे | I Voc Electronics Technology Intermediate |
गेट हेरे | Model Question Food Reservation&Processing Trade |
गेट हेरे | Model Question IVC Stenography I |
गेट हेरे | Sericulture Intermediate |